This game is an action Sci-Fi based game if you want thrills and chills this is the game you want.
Firstly you have to click on play then if you want to create your own server click on 'CREATE SERVER' which will take you to another menu.
There will be eight places to choose from you may choose to put a password on the game so that only a limited amount of people can come in or you can not put one on and anyone can come on.

After you have created the server you will be able to choose out of Aliens,Humans or you can just spectate. A Dretch is small but fast they can be very deadly if you're a pro. They can also climb on walls if you press c. A Granger is an alien that can build things like: acid tubes, barricades and many other things.The Advanced Granger is the same, but has attacks. A Basilisk is just a little bit slower than the Dretch. It can also grab people by just touching them and you can also bite them by clicking so is the Advanced Basilisk. A Marauder can jump off of walls and has a good bite so does the Advanced Marauder. A Dragoon is really good you can bite and one of the best things about it is that it can jump really high. Now the Advanced Dragoon can do the same but it can also snipe people which is awesome. The best alien of all is the Tyrant one stab from this beast and you die unless the human you're trying to kill has a battle suit on. :D
Then there's the humans...
They're all about fire power and machinery Some of there many weapons include:Rifle,shotgun,saw,pulse rifle,flamethrower, gatling gun, lucifer cannon,Mass driver,las gun,blaster and a construction kit which you use to build objects like mini turrets.The advanced construction kit is even better because you can build more stuff like:Tesla generators,Repeaters and many more.
The humans controls are easy up,down,left,right spacebar to jump as simple as that.To use the gun you have selected click.Heres a tip for all you humen lovers if you keep on jumping around when theres a dragoon or tyant chasing you.You will eventually win(or not).
Thank you for reading S,T,v,T,H.