Monday 6 May 2013

Game Review: Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW)

This is another game from Artix Entertainment and is currently their most popular. This is a very awesome MMORPG which gives you the chance to not just play PVP, but also PVE (Player versus environment) with an interesting story and all!

You get the choice to be either evil or good, but their not the bad guy. The bad guy is a guy named Drakath who is chaos and during the game you defeat bosses called chaos lords who are lead by this guy here. The PVE ability lets you fight monsters and you can earn gold and adventure coins! (Secondary Currency, also paid for)

There are a lot of items on this game and every Saturday a new release with a new area will be released. Items are usually dropped by certain monsters and bought from certain shops, some items need a certain level or you need to be a member to get. 

On this game you can start of with 4 classes, Mage, Warrior, Mage and Healer, they all have base stats and they are useful for certain things while you fight, you can do different quests by different NPC's and earn classes just as well as buy them!
This game can be found at

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to see that in just ONE day of your blog launch, you have reviewed two games! I am sure you are going to get a great following. I can't wait to see what games Sione and Tevita will review!
