Wednesday 8 May 2013

Game Review: Mechquest

Mechquest is a game that is mostly similar to dragonfable, except it is based in the future where you hop into a robot suit and kill other robots, you can also customize your robot to your own dreams! (Meaning the shop) 

Lets talk about the graphics, they are pretty futuristic you can say that, but it is easy that they pretty much didn't even try to make the graphics more interesting in any way. There are always errors.

There are two guilds in the university you can join which give you special armours if you complete the quests they give you. If you hack this game and level up the monsters levels stay behind, It's like really, do they even update the hack finder.

This game is not multi player like Dragonfable so it is pretty much an unchanged, future version of Dragonfable. The good thing about this is that you can easily become pro at this game.
If you want to play this game go to 

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