Monday 6 May 2013

First Game Review: Epicduel

Epicduel is an exciting game mostly about the main option, PVP. This means 'Player vs player' and is a very vital thing to learn to use. To master these game options you are going to need to learn strategy.
The last thing I'm going to mention before we start the review is that this is made by the company Artix Entertainment and a lot more games will be reviewed from this company.
Lets Review!

Second is the character creator, You don't have too much detail into the options but the gameplay makes this not matter much. From here you can choose a certain class with attributes, Tech Mage, Mercenary and Bounty Hunter. Tech Mage is your regular wizard, with attributes based on you magic points (MP) and not so much health points (HP) Mercenary is more of a strength and warrior type while   
Bounty Hunter is more of the ninja stealth based type.
Ninja, Warrior or Mage?

Finally comes the multi player gameplay, The current features are 1 versus 1, 2 versus 2 and even a awesome juggernaut mode. 1v1 is your average fight. With just you and the player. It is good to use your strategy skills during this mode. 2v2 is a team fight and it is easier to gain experience points to level up. Juggernaut is a 2v1 mode where you can easily kill one guy if he's good or not, if you are the juggernaut it is a easier way to farm.
The weapons aren't as easy to buy and navigate through and there isn't much weapons to buy and you mostly need their secondary currency varium , which is mostly obtained by being bought. (Requires Money/Credit Card) But credits can be earned from battles.
If you want to find this game you can go to


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well done Sione, Tevita and Jayden on creating this blog. I am going to have my son check it out as he is a 'game freak' as well and enjoys reading about them. Keep up the great writing!
