Tuesday 7 May 2013

Game Review: Oversoul

Oversoul is artix entertainment's newest game they have made and is run by Nulgath who is the guy who makes hard quests in the other games. This is in open beta testing and is a card game strategy based game.

First is the characters. You actually play a ghost who takes souls so you can switch your character based on the souls of the characters you take (Monsters) and you get different elements based on the characters main element (e.g Fire, Water, Dark)

Now we can talk about the elements in the game. There is Neutral, Light, Chaos, Dark, Earth, Fire, Water and Lightning. You can have a dark skeleton and another character might be a light paladin. The different elements you have are the different strategies you can use.

Finally there is how to win. You have to use your attack cards and make sure the monster's health reaches 0. If it is it asks if you want to attempt to take their soul, if you succeed you will get a new monster! If not, you will just have to find another monster.
If you would want to play this game go to Oversoul.artix.com (Tutorials are in-game)

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