Tuesday 7 May 2013

Game Review: Dragonfable

Dragonfable is a non-online game which is a nice game to play but the not online thing gives this game the stars it deserves. This is one of artix entertainment's first game they have made and it is a pretty fun experience when playing this game.

First is the classes, they are the exact same as the ones in Adventure Quest Worlds but you can only have one class in your inventory at a time. On this game the maximum level is pretty high (About 200) 

This game may not be as browsable but the classes are easier to get than from the other games. All you need to do is complete an area! If you are a high level most monsters don't stand a chance. But luckily the monsters level up with you to make your experience more better and not to make a game as simple as Mech Quest.

On this game you can have buddies who play with you. The best is Artix (If you already play the game) If you have more than one buddy they might finish off the battle. 
If you want to play the game go to Dragonfable.com 

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